Gericom Laptops & Desktops

Drivers for Notebooks ⇒ Gericom Laptops & Desktops

About Gericom

The company was founded in 1990 by Herman Oberlener and became public in the 2000th year under the name of Gericom AG. Gericom production originally was on sale through large distribution networks, such as by Media Markt and Saturn. In the 1998th year the Internet shop was created, and later distribution networks of Aldi, Hofer and Lidl are connected to realization the production of Gericom. The market of the German-speaking countries of Europe became the main market on which the company has development.

Gericom computers and laptops successfully were on sale in the market in a several years, differed good technical characteristics and long service life. Since 2007 indicators of sales of production of Gericom fell down, shares of the company lost 93 % of cost during the period between 2003 and 2008. Sharp decrease in sales often contacts quality of production which worsened for these years. Gericom production often received the extremely negative responses as a result of tests by computer journalists, often became the last in comparative tests and in 2008 the revenue of the company decreased to 30 million euros.

In 2008 the majority of shares of the company of Gericom were bought by the Taiwan producer of Quanmax, and Inc. Gericom AG was renamed into Quanmax AG which stocks on the former are on sale at the Frankfurt stock exchange in Germany. It should be noted that Quanmax AG endures considerable growth and profitability of the company makes about 60 million euros.

Gericom Laptops & Desktops Models List

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[view all models]
1 Gericom Gericom 1AAJG 10 devices
2 Gericom Gericom 245 9 devices
3 Gericom Gericom 255/259 Series 17 devices
4 Gericom Gericom 255II001 5 devices
5 Gericom Gericom 257SA1 9 devices
6 Gericom Gericom 259IA1 6 devices
7 Gericom Gericom 285G 3 devices
8 Gericom Gericom 34AS1 3 devices
9 Gericom Gericom 356S1 4 devices
10 Gericom Gericom 755CA0 5 devices
11 Gericom Gericom 755CI 1 device
12 Gericom Gericom 8060 6 devices
13 Gericom Gericom 8060B 3 devices
14 Gericom Gericom A380 4 devices
15 Gericom Gericom ACL10 5 devices
16 Gericom Gericom APL11 5 devices
17 Gericom Gericom Beetle 4 devices
18 Gericom Gericom CINEMA XXL 13 devices
19 Gericom Gericom D470W 7 devices
20 Gericom Gericom Ego 3 devices
21 Gericom Gericom Frontman 14 devices
22 Gericom Gericom G730 3 devices
23 Gericom Gericom Gericom 10 devices
24 Gericom Gericom Gericom N34BS4 4 devices
25 Gericom Gericom HUMMER 30 devices
26 Gericom Gericom Intel 440BX/ZX 2 devices
27 Gericom Gericom KN1 11 devices
28 Gericom Gericom KN7 11 devices
29 Gericom Gericom L372N1 8 devices
30 Gericom Gericom L41ii8 11 devices
31 Gericom Gericom L51RIx 8 devices
32 Gericom Gericom M350C/M375C 6 devices
33 Gericom Gericom Masterpiece 11 devices
34 Gericom Gericom Montara-GML 6 devices
35 Gericom Gericom N243s1 3 devices
36 Gericom Gericom N243s6 3 devices
37 Gericom Gericom N251C1 8 devices
38 Gericom Gericom N251S0 10 devices
39 Gericom Gericom N251S1 9 devices
40 Gericom Gericom N251S5 2 devices
41 Gericom Gericom N251S6 5 devices
42 Gericom Gericom N341c2 11 devices
43 Gericom Gericom N34AS1 5 devices
44 Gericom Gericom N34AS6 5 devices
45 Gericom Gericom N351s1 7 devices
46 Gericom Gericom N355 6 devices
47 Gericom Gericom Overdose 5 devices
48 Gericom Gericom Overdose M 1 device
49 Gericom Gericom Overdose MC 7 devices
50 Gericom Gericom Overdose Radeon MC 5 devices
51 Gericom Gericom P14G 12 devices
52 Gericom Gericom P14NG 1 device
53 Gericom Gericom P20G 7 devices
54 Gericom Gericom P53IN4 11 devices
55 Gericom Gericom Phantom 27 devices
56 Gericom Gericom SiS 630S 3 devices
57 Gericom Gericom To Be Filled By O.E.M. 11 devices
58 Gericom Gericom U50SA2 2 devices
59 Gericom Gericom Uknown 4 devices
60 Gericom Gericom UNIWILL 5 devices
61 Gericom Gericom W830DA 158 devices

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