OpenStreetMap. More detailed and up-to-date than Maps
OpenStreetMap ( is a free world map, offers much more than Google Maps for larger locations. In the map view, OpenStreetMap (OSM) shows house numbers or the type of shops in a building and the information is more up-to-date than in Google Maps. Such level of detail is sometimes not available for smaller places because a community of active users takes care of the mapping. This is why OpenStreetMap does not provide satellite imagery either.
But then the street view is also available as a cyclist view with all cycle ways and as public transport map with all bus, tram, suburban train and underground train lines. OSM also provides three route planners that can be found in the “Route” drop-down menu at the top near the search bar. These are OSM’s own services based on the open OSM maps. We recommend Mapquest due to the easy route entry and the option to choose between car, bicycle and pedestrian.