Outlook.com. Smarter and clearer than Gmaill
With Hotmail’s successor Outlook.com, Microsoft has shown how a modern webmail client can look. Tidy and unpretentious but with all the important functions – Gmail is no competition to the new Outlook. It will be much easier to understand with an example: if you want to delete mails or file them in a category – all routine tasks –, you just need to move the cursor over the mail and these options are displayed as icons.
In Gmail, you need to either open the mail or select it and then select the action from the menu bar. Similar to Google’s client, you can also manage additional accounts (under “Options | Import email accounts” via the cogwheel at the top right). We also recommend the use of the calendar integrated in Outlook to replace the Google calendar. This is because Outlook will then remind you about important dates, for example, the entered birthdays, via mail. Read our tutorial to find out how you can transfer data to the new calendar.